Fire Dex | Health & Safety Firefighter PPE
The Fire Center is your online source for turnout gear and equipment from Fire-Dex® Including gloves, hoods, coats, pants, and more for your firefighting gear needs. Browse our wide range of Fire-Dex manufactured essential firefighter accessories from Fire Dex's signature Dex-Pro gloves, to their durable helmets, hoods, and boots!
13 products
Fire-Dex Dex-Pro 3D Leather Glove Fire-Dex Leather Boot (FDXL200) Fire-Dex Classic Captain Jim Hood Firefighter Knit Hood Fire-Dex H61 Classic Fire Hood Fire-Dex Helmet-Traditional (Standard & Deluxe) Fire-Dex H41 Interceptor with Nomex Nano Flex Fire-Dex Captain Jim Hood with StedAIR Prevent Fire-Dex H37 Classic Fire Hood Fire-Dex Helmet-Modern (Standard & Deluxe) Fire-Dex H81 Classic Fire Hood Fire-Dex H71 Classic Fire Hood Fire-Dex Rubber Boot (FDXR100), NFPA 1971 Fire-Dex H41 Interceptor with Stedair® Prevent