Maximum protection certified for Structural Firefighting
Ensuring your safety is non-negotiable. The Fire Hunter Pro guarantees top-notch protection against the various hazards you face on the job. It acts as your barrier against flames and shields you from potentially harmful fluids. With robust European bullhide leather, this boot will provide stability (no more boot flop over), prevent boot sagging, and ensure long-term durability.

Unsurpassed toe protection
The lightweight composite safety toe provides roomy comfort and the highest level of toe protection. Its lighter weight ensures you feel less foot and leg fatigue.

Waterproof with an added level of protection
Using CROSSTECH technology, your Fire Hunter Pro will not only keep your boot fully waterproof, but it will also keep you protected from chemicals, blood, and body fluids.

Stay on your feet with our highly slip-resistant sole
The Fire Hunter Pro's athletic sole is highly heat and slip-resistant whether on water, ice, or snow. The dual-color sole offers high visibility in dark and smoky conditions and insulates your feet from hot and cold fire grounds. The Fire Hunter Pro is also EH-rated above the NFPA standard at 18kv.